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Required COVID Training for Supervisors

Re: Required COVID Training for Supervisors
To: All staff
Oct. 1, 2020
Dear Campus Colleagues,
As part of our ongoing efforts to successfully navigate the COVID-19 pandemic, all UC Merced staff supervisors and managers are required to complete an online training course that covers policies and procedures while offering support in these extraordinary times.
The Supervisor COVID Action Guide is the second phase of UC Merced’s response to California government requirements for training and support at higher education institutions. The first phase was safety training for the entire campus community, conducted in August. A third phase that focuses on more specific campus roles is coming in the near future.
The Action Guide course is for staff members who are supervisors or managers in their formal job classification. The course is offered through the UC Learning Center. Everyone who needs to complete the training will receive email reminders from the UCLC system.
The course must be completed successfully by Friday, Oct. 30. You will receive reminders as the deadline approaches or expires. Those who don’t finish the course by the deadline cannot access campus facilities until the course has been successfully completed. New supervisorial or managerial hires will be required to complete the training within 30 days of start of employment.
The Action Guide is a self-paced course that takes 30 to 45 minutes to complete. It provides resources so you know how to respond to COVID-related scenarios you may encounter. The guide also offers resources about policies supervisors should know, such as health screenings, leaves of absence, and campus access checkpoints.
Go here to access the course. UCLC marks your progress, so you can exit the course and return if necessary. The most important thing is that, by the end of the course, you understand a supervisor’s role in navigating and leading our operations through the challenging COVID environment. Doing so helps to ensure we support our colleagues and maintain a healthy environment for continued operations.
Thank you for doing all you can to protect the well-being of UC Merced and the greater Merced community. Take care and be safe.
Andrew Boyd
Chief Resilience Officer
Nicole Pollack
Chief Human Resources Officer